No one really knows what to expect when having a baby. One thing new parents learn quickly is that an unsettled baby makes you second-guess everything. It can be really challenging trying to figure out the needs of this tiny, vulnerable person you’ve just met. And it breaks your heart when it feels nothing you …
Caitlin Bird
Now more than ever we are seeing women move towards birthing at home. This mass exodus from the conventional ways of birth has been triggered by the current health crisis. Women just don’t want to birth or have their vulnerable newborns in hospitals, seen to be high risk localities. As a Private Midwife, I attend …
If you’ve found yourself here, you’re probably ready to ‘get this kid out!’ If I was your Midwife, you’d be sitting in my office, maybe a bit teary, maybe with lots of questions, maybe a little bit in meltdown mode as you’re well and truly over it. I’d be listening to you, supporting you, motivating …
Motherhood is transformative. I’ve personally known the full force of this since the birth of my first child. In SO many ways, it’s beautifully transformative. But… in lots of ugly, unpleasant ways too. My husband once said to me, very naively but honestly, “if having a baby affects our sex life, I think that might …
The birth of a placenta is referred to as the third stage of labour. The first stage being the bulk of the labour itself, and the second being the pushing/birth stage. Although the party isn’t over after your babe is born, fortunately the placenta doesn’t have bones, and it is relatively painless to birth. It …
I think we can all agree that work-life balance is something most women are ever striving for, yet may never feel like we’ve achieved it.
So how do you survive then Mama? Emotionally, physically, mentally – what if we can thrive and not just survive?
Here are 6 BIG work-life balance mistakes I’ve made, and sometimes still make… because I’m not perfect, and that is ok.
Most pregnant Mamas loathe ‘the diabetes test’. No one in their right mind enjoys fasting before smashing 75gm of glucose. BUT, unfortunately the Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) is here to stay. Unless some genius comes up with a fool-proof cure for Gestational Diabetes. So we’ve laid out exactly what you need to do to make …
The secret’s out – the benefits of delayed cord clamping (DCC) are well known. This simple yet significant moment of pause after a baby takes their first breath is becoming the norm, rather than a fad in maternity care. But have you heard it can increase the risk of jaundice in babies? If you’ve been …
If you’re like most Mamas and planning to birth at hospital, there are a few things you need to know before you step foot through those doors. Just as our bodies know how to make a baby and grow a baby, it knows how to birth a baby. But don’t let this trick you into …
Labour and birth can be likened to running a marathon. You wouldn’t just rock up on the day and hope you make it to the finish line. You wouldn’t prepare yourself mentally, but completely skip the physical prep. Regular exercise in pregnancy is known to promote easier labour and birth. No one could deny they …