We spend so much time during pregnancy focusing on each trimester, counting the weeks as they go by, taking the photos of the growing belly and comparing your baby to what size fruit or vegetable they best represent. Then we spend time preparing for labour and birth… but what about after that? What about those …
Preparing For Birth
The secret’s out – the benefits of delayed cord clamping (DCC) are well known. This simple yet significant moment of pause after a baby takes their first breath is becoming the norm, rather than a fad in maternity care. But have you heard it can increase the risk of jaundice in babies? If you’ve been …
If you’re like most Mamas and planning to birth at hospital, there are a few things you need to know before you step foot through those doors. Just as our bodies know how to make a baby and grow a baby, it knows how to birth a baby. But don’t let this trick you into …
Labour and birth can be likened to running a marathon. You wouldn’t just rock up on the day and hope you make it to the finish line. You wouldn’t prepare yourself mentally, but completely skip the physical prep. Regular exercise in pregnancy is known to promote easier labour and birth. No one could deny they …
To say I was naive about pregnancy and in particular, the postpartum phase is an understatement. In my defence, I knew my son was going to be in NICU and likely to have surgery and all of our birth prep centred around getting him earthside safely and what was going to happen after that. There …
Many years as a Midwife means the opportunity to see fabulous variations of hospital bags. Some genius, some comical, some a little WTF? There are always a few stand outs – The bags with items grouped and labelled in zip lock bags, my personal fave. Organisation at its finest. The ‘going overseas for 3 months’ …
Let’s be honest, you probably came for the wine and cheese. But now I have you here, why not spare a few minutes to learn how water can make your labour and birth so much easier! I promise it will be worth it. We’ve listed seven things every Mama should know about labour and birth …
Grab the popcorn, cancel your plans, set your phone to ‘do not disturb’ and settle in! This isn’t just a slideshow of birth videos – as cool as they are. We’ve compiled a list for you of 7 of the most thought provoking, game changing, eye-opening and informative birth documentaries and films from the last …
There’s a catchy little saying that each month has an average of 30 days, except for the last month of pregnancy which has 1368 days. Although it may not feel like it, pregnancy comes to an end, and ready or not, labour and birth will happen. Whether you are in the early stages of pregnancy, …
OK. So you’re going to be a Dad. The fun part is over, and you’ve started to venture into very unfamiliar territory. This is not the time to panic. In fact it’s never the time to panic, because chances are your partner in crime is a hormonal, emotional, overwhelmed wreck. I thought I’d go to …