For over 4 years I was a ‘boy mum’. To be honest, if you had asked me before if I wanted a daughter I would have shrugged (like I can choose the sex of the baby anyway) and said something along the lines of ‘baby girls are cute but they turn into teenage girls and …
Preparing For Birth
Staying active in pregnancy can be likened to drinking your two litres of water a day. Yawn. It’s one of those things we know we should do, not only for our wellbeing, but for the health of our growing babe. Sometimes motivating ourselves isn’t as simple as knowing it’s what we SHOULD do. Life gets …
We all know that ‘normal’ labour can start anywhere from 37 weeks to 42 weeks gestation, and that ‘due dates’ are kind of an educated guess with only 3 – 5% of babies actually being born on this date. With a range of around 5 weeks, that’s a whole lot of waiting time and wandering …
The placenta is a fascinating thing really. Our bodies grow an entirely new organ to oxygenate, nourish and grow our baby. It also removes waste products from baby’s blood. Is it any wonder why modern women are finding new ways to use their placentas to nurture themselves postnatally? Or to stand as symbolism and celebration …
One thing I noticed throughout my pregnancies was that there was this mindset from women that we must have pain relief during labour, that it was the ‘normal’ thing to do. Anytime I mentioned anything about a drug free labour and birth it was almost like I was talking about unicorns and fairies. When I said I …
The benefits of delayed cord clamping are well known, and long known, yet it seems DCC (delayed cord clamping) is only just recently making it into Midwifery and Obstetric practice. As a Mama, depending on your care provider and birth location, you may need to bold, highlight, and underline this one on your birth plan/preferences, …
Over the years, I’ve seen women birth very large babies without even a graze, and women birth not so big babies with extensive tearing. Getting a tear during birth is, understandably, a very common fear for women. See our post for how to overcome that fear, learn more about how the vagina stretches, and birthing with …
Labour and birth is one of the most physically and emotionally profound experiences of your life. You owe more to yourself, and to your family’s experience of welcoming a new baby, than to just wing it. Here are 17 natural ways to cope with labour and birth, so you can prepare and help yourself in …
Labour and birth is primal, powerful and transformative. Very few women would say they’ve journeyed through pregnancy with no fears whatsoever. But don’t worry. Good can come from fear if we recognise it, and use it to drive an invested commitment to preparing our mind and body for an empowering birth. There are many common …
I’m a massive fan of TED Talks, so naturally, when I was pregnant and preparing for birth I went straight to my favourite TED Talks for ideas and thoughts. These are some of the best TED Talks about pregnancy and birth that all expecting parents need to watch. They will help you challenge your thoughts about …