If you’re researching home birth, or are interested in having your own, you’ll know that one of the big draw cards with a home birth is the comfort factor. Even those who are preparing for a hospital birth will often stay home as long as possible because it’s so much more comfortable there. That being …
Home Birth
The debate between a having a home birth or a hospital birth is one that runs deep. It is a highly emotional topic for some, which is completely understandable. Despite people touting the line ‘as long as you have a healthy baby’, the way your labour and birth plays out can have a significant and …
I’ve often heard that labour is more like a marathon and that we should prepare for it like it is one. You don’t just show up to a marathon and ‘wing it’. You prepare yourself, physically and mentally. It was the ‘mentally’ part that really surprised me when it came to preparing for my home …
As we’ve already established, I’m a big lover of lists. Like, I looooove them. They can help us feel more in control (I like being in control, okay?), they help us clear our mind of erratic thoughts, and they help us communicate our wants and needs. When it comes to your home birth, having checklists …
Now more than ever we are seeing women move towards birthing at home. This mass exodus from the conventional ways of birth has been triggered by the current health crisis. Women just don’t want to birth or have their vulnerable newborns in hospitals, seen to be high risk localities. As a Private Midwife, I attend …